Great day of sailing west winds at Blue Lagoon blowing 15-30++ with 40 high gusts at about 5:30pm. All attending were happy with the winds once they kicked in and had a little bit of WNW going. For the record, one of the choppiest days ever, as Jeff put it, - it's like a day of mogul skiiing. Most were overpowered on 5.7 and5.8's but very happy to be outrunning the numerous jets skiers, motor boats and offshore racers congesting Anchor Bay. Great ending session after 7pm when the boaters had gone and the chop flattened out. Blue Lagoon shines after a slow month of June, this site is really nice for these days when the west wind blows...
Gear: 6.2 Alpha and 107 then 5.7 Xpresh and 85 FSW