Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday Sept. 26th Fast Pontiac Ride

Nice 10.3 miles with Chuck and John B and John B (and not JAB) in 1:06 at PLSP. Good cool 60's temps and luckily no falls. Not enough in me to do a second loop with these pros. Need a rest after these past 3 days. Great long weekend.

Saturday, Sept. 25th Blue Lago report

Not anything to compare to yesterday. We had a morning session on the 6.2 Alpha and the 107 FSW with 15-20 west winds that didn't really kick in after the morning boundary layer burned off. Got in about 2.5 hours until about noon. Damn I miss that small sail and new 84 already.

Friday, Sept. 24th Wind, Wind, Wind! Golf is cancelled.

'Gale' called from Metro on Friday said get over here with the small stuff. So I did.

Great day on the new JP FSW 84 ProEd and the 3.7! Gusts touching 50!

Shot and edited with iMovie on the iPhone.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday, Sept. 21, Marysville Chill in the heat too!

Semi good day 6.2 Alpha and 107 FSW, powered and sunny high of 90. MB, Tom, and Keith and I had nice day on the river. 15-20++South but it never really kicked in fully....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday Sept. 13 Afternoon Breezes into BL.

Pretty good evening sesh on the 6.2 Search and the 107 FSW at Blue Lago. Tommy and I right on time for the 4pm west kick in with the right gear. Sun and breezy 15-20+ on a clear weed free side of LSC - Anchor Bay. Powered up ripping all the way to the other side and getting in 2.5 hours before it dropped off. Well worth the drive and not going to Metro. Suns going down much earlier it seems these days...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday Sept. 11 back to biking @ TreeFarm

Novi mtb today. 10.54 miles in 1:03 with one nice fall in a sand pit. Wishing there was winds like last weekend.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sunday Sept. 5 Classic Little Harbor Day

Dream Launch at Menonoque Beach

Brent Wave shredding on the 5.4M & 107FW

Shoreside fun

Using that wave face....

A great 4.5-5M NW 20-30++ day on LT Bay. John and Craig learn how good it can be when the directions right and the pre-fall winds kick in. Classic sunny sky, puffy clouds and 70's temps makes for perfect formula for strong NW blow. Lots of ramps and long swell in the 4-8' range made it a super sesh and then you got all the shorebreak on the inside play on. Loved it on the 5M Search all day overpowered with the 85 liter FSW. Great bookend to a windy Northern MI weekend. Thanks to Brent - the winds return!

Saturday Sept. 4 Breakwall Breakdown

Great day that didn't work at the Petoskey Breakwall. NNW winds 25-30 with the repair barges blocking the way out of the marina. Damn shame too. It was a classic day forcing us to down to the Petoskey State Park where the shorebreak was heavy and the winds weak. Probably the worst resulting sailing I've had with so much wind potential. A day to forget as there was nothing to take away from it that was really good.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Friday Sept. 3 Secret Spot Rocks (Bliss Gales!)

Wake up at 8AM on LTB - winds starting....

Jeff Degaynor into a Big Air

Hero jibing Bliss Beach

Locals said it was windiest day of the season and for those of us with very little summer sailing, it really was. Winds were SW to WSW all day at Sturgeon Bay Bliss Beach 25-35 with Gale gusts to 45. Gales sailing and great timing for Labor Day!

Brent and I started out on 5M in the AM and then quickly moved to the 4.5's and then I spent the afternoon overpowered on my 3.7. Brent found the courage to fight on with the 4.5 in nuclear afternoon winds. We had about a dozen sailors out with us all on 70-85 liter hulls and their smallest sails. Waves well upwind in the Sturgeon Bag Estates zone were 6-10 feet range and barreling often on the pointe reef (which is where I fell and got worked over the rocks). Each sesh out got shorter and shorter as the day wore on and the winds never let up. Loads of airtime were loaded as well as the down the waveface jibes. No room for error or slowing down. Schloggers were no where to be found on this day. Thank you Northern MI! Well worth the drive this time. More to come yet tomorrow.

Untitled from Jsealyons on Vimeo.

Big Air Time in 40+ gales

Untitled from Jsealyons on Vimeo.

Brent shredding it down the line