Thursday, October 17, 2013
Harsens. Sun, winds and strapless
Great 12m day at Harsens Island. Near perfect 10-20+k winds and 65 degrees with clear skies and sun. Loved the new Carbon Mako 140 and got 2 hours on SS Pit strapless! Got up on first attempt but quickly learned you got to be further forward and legs spread. Never got pulled off once even in heavy chop and gusts. Paired with 17m in lighter winds this setup will excel. Rode Craig's Ceratias strapped (loved it, great fast quick planing) but hardly put feet in. I'm fully committed to it now with nothing but pads. Lots of quick learning to balance and feather/fly the kite, but its a rush to ride with nothing but your feet and pressuring the deck. Also quick learning curve to roll up out of water with feet arched and board flat. I think anyone good with kite can pick it up quickly. Glad I stuck with, new dimension to riding a 40 liter mini wave board.