Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Hatty 2021-4 Big Tuesday Salvo to Avon Downy
Sun out! 10am N20-30 easy 9m and call is Downwinder from Salvo to the house. 20 miles by car and 40 by water. Wild ride as 80% of coast is nothing but trees and slicks - no houses until Avon. Waves outside and butter inside the protected marshes. Went into Planet of the Apes but no clue as to the maze pattern. 200+ jibes later it was Avon and we knew we made it. Toughest part is beginning where if you have a problem the road is 1/2 mile or more away through thick foliage. Luckily no injuries or eqpt. problems. I but nearly had a knee ankle turner or a shoal got to watch the super shallow stuff. Evening sesh at house walking up to point with Keith still NNE 15-25 but you had to go way out. Fun on the Jester but it was closer for the day. Chili dinner!