Saturday start with TJ cherry popper at Highland. 830am and it’s humid hot and sweaty 2:30 almost to get r done. Fun ride and good group with JB on the new Gates driven REEB! Sweet bike.
Sunday! Wavos Rancheros at North Lex.

Better than the forecast for once too! N 25 and the 9m for first 45 minutes was too much. 7m Perfection and solid waves all over the north beach where we launched from. So windy on the beach it was hard to keep the sand out of my eyes. 2 weeks was worth the wait. Tried to sail down at Breakwall But too crowded! Long drive paid off. Cold 51 degrees but still dry suit was perfect. Lots of smiles.
Better than the forecast for once too! N 25 and the 9m for first 45 minutes was too much. 7m Perfection and solid waves all over the north beach where we launched from. So windy on the beach it was hard to keep the sand out of my eyes. 2 weeks was worth the wait. Tried to sail down at Breakwall But too crowded! Long drive paid off. Cold 51 degrees but still dry suit was perfect. Lots of smiles.