Crazy day of winds - starting at Metro 4.5M and ending as quickly as it began. Super windy and bumpy ride out and then winds switched to the north breaking up what would have been a great morning. Hell Craig was on a 4M just before I went out. Thats all she wrote for Metro. Next its off to the Blue Lagoon for some more up and down and hole-filled frustrations as the west winds there early on just aren't fun with a 4.5 and the 107 FSW. Next up is a drag in for Rick who snaps his mast about a 1/4 mile out - good save and the long walk back up wind to the beach. By 4pm the sun is out and its NW and I finally got the right setup with the 5.7 and the 101. Powered up and could of body grag attempts latter things are working and thats when the day ends. DR in 2 weeks....hoping to get in 1 or 2 more before then.